Maternity Equity

Tackling Maternity Inequalities


We have created some resources for pregnancy to enable women/people and their partners to make decisions around their birth and create a birth plan/birth preferences. 

Click on the link for our Maternity resources

Tackling Maternity inequalities


Colchester arts center

It's OK to Ask

It’s OK to Ask is a project that debunks the myths around discussions on ethnicity, gender identity and disability for fear of offending and aims to improve the maternity experience for all.

Called It’s OK to Ask, this project features a series of short films with local people from various backgrounds who have lived experience of maternity services. The theme is a common one – ask us about our ethnicity and our cultural identity, highlighting that it's not racist to talk with people about their specific needs or requirements - in fact, it’s necessary and appropriate in order to put the person at the centre of their care.

These films are the first of their kind ever to be produced by an NHS maternity system and will be used as an educational resource not only in maternity but for universities, GPs, health visitors, public health and county councils.

You can now view all of the films on Vimeo.


Uncomfortable Truths

Can do healthcare