Youth Zone

AFIUK CIC Youth Club

AFiUK CIC Youth Club ITV News

Join us every Saturday from 11am to 1pm at our Youth Centre suitable for 13year to 19year olds @ Townhouse, 39 - 42 East Stockwell Street, Colchester, CO1 1SS

Meet some of our youth at the centre and their success stories with AFiUK's youth club project Funded by the PFCC

Name: Isaac

What difference has the project made to you personally?
"It has built my character personally, having a lot more confidence speaking in larger crowds and mainly working in a team. Secondly, it has increased my patience.
The workshop that had a big impact on me was in goal setting and motivation. It has made me rethink about what I really want in life and how to push myself in reaching it."

Do you have anything else to add what you have experienced so far?
"I would suggest having these workshops added in schools as it will definitely benefit generations.

Name: Glorie

What difference has the project made to you personally?
"It has improved my confidence in leading other youth with activities and was also appointed a youth worker. The workshops have been really interesting and opened my mind to things such as appreciating motivational skills, resilience and positive thinking.
The managing anxiety and negative thoughts workshop was especially very useful in a way that shows how your thoughts affect how you feel which affects how you perform physically"

Do you have anything else to add what you have experienced so far?
"The workshops are very different from what is taught in schools and I have been able to invite friends to share the experience."

Name: Nathalie

What difference has the project made to you personally?
"It hasn't made me a different person but it has made think positively and changed the way I speak to people.
The workshops have helped in my ability to express myself freely to be more conscious about the future and how to achieve my goals."

Do you have anything else to add what you have experienced so far?
"Became a school prefect while on the programme and I'm really happy that it has boosted my public speaking and confidence levels.

Talk to us

Join us every Saturday from 11am to 1pm at our Youth Centre suitable for 13year to 19year olds @ Townhouse, 39 - 42 East Stockwell Street, Colchester, CO1 1SS

Meet some of our youth at the centre and their success stories with AFiUK's youth club project Funded by the PFCC